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Logging observations w/o computer
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While I have seen the spate of recent announcements regarding ST4 Imaging, and am therefore anxiously anticipating the release of ST4 Visual Observing, I decided to become better acquainted with my copy of ST3.

In order to incorporate ST3 more seamlessly into my observing, and because I do NOT take my computer out when observing (since my old scopes are manually powered!), I wonder:
- is there a capability to use an Android tablet/phone, or possibly some other mobile device on the same network, to view observing maps and/or to take log notes
- have people found some other efficient way to print out observing sheets with star hop guides (ala Visual Sky Simulations) to more seamless gain the benefits of ST without using a Windows computer?


Messages In This Thread
Logging observations w/o computer - by gandoe - 2018-09-19, 12:35 AM
RE: Logging observations w/o computer - by gandoe - 2018-09-22, 11:49 AM

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