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Catolog Lists

It's been several years since I have actively been observing and I have forgotten how to add lists to Sky Tools 4. I am looking for the Herschel 400 and 2500 lists. Anyone know where I can find them an how to add them?
Hi Jay,

The Herschel 400 list is available on the Skyhound website. To get it, in the Nightly Planner (NP) Click 'Get Observing Lists' and choose the Skyhound website. It's under the 'Deep Sky Observing Lists' section. as 'Herschel 400'. There's also a much larger list called 'Herschel Project' that may be the Herschel 2500 list that you're looking for. There are many more Observing Lists that you can download from the website.

Hope this helps,

Phil S.
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I believe the Herschel Project list is a edit listed of the 2379 objects that Herschel found which are real DSO's. The H2500 list that came from SkyTools 2 I believe has a similar number
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