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Close Approach of (6037) 1988 EG
CNEOS predicts that the medium-sized NEO (6037) 1988 EG will make a close approach on 2023-Aug-23 08:18±<00:01 UT at a distance of 0.04065 AU with V Relative=14.25 km/sec, H=19.0 magnitude, diameter 430 m - 960 m and 'Rarity'=2. The Condition Code=0 with a 12,960 day observation arc. This NEO has a well characterized orbit. The Earth MOID=0.0239426 AU. It's on the MPC's list of Potentially Hazardous Asteroids.

Using MPC's elements for 2023 Aug 7 0000 UT, ST4v predicts that this NEO will reach a peak brightness of 14.6 magnitude from the evening of August 17 in Vulpecula to August 20 in Lyra as the peak of the brightness curve is rather flat. On the evening of August 20 in Lyra the NEO is predicted to be traveling at 21"/minute. Close approach (to the nearest hour) is predicted to occur on 2023 August 23 0400 EDT (0800 UT) with the MP at 15.3 magnitude traveling through Corona Borealis at 28.5"/minute, but undetectable on the horizon as seen from Columbus, Ohio.

It looks like August 22 ~1600 EDT (2000 UT) this NEO will pass within 1° of M13 in Hercules.

Here's the Object Info Dialog for this NEO:     

Good hunting,

Phil S.
Appreciate the heads up. For me in SE Texas, looks like brightest pass is ~22:00 Aug 19 at mag 14.5ish while 0.0484AU out. Trotting along to the NW at 21"/min near the zenith in southern Lyra (86° up - Dobsons Hole) with Moon having set at 21:50. With the intense heat dome we have been enjoying, the skies should be clear. Should be a doable but somewhat challenging attempt.

Thanks again

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