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Quasar BR 1202-0725 with a z = 4.69
I used the “Database Power Search Tool” in SkyTools 4 Imaging to select and download a list of Quasars with a Redshift (z) between 4 and 6.

One of these was BR 1202-0725 in Virgo with z = 4.69

Summary of Quasar details from ST4 Imaging:
BR 1202-0725, Quasar, aka Q1202-0725
R.A.  12h05m23.1s Dec.: -07°42'32" (2000) in Virgo
Magnitude: 18.70 R
Redshift (z): 4.69
Light Time: 12.0 Gyr
Apparent Data for 2023 Apr 9  GMT+10:
Apparent RA:  12h06m35.3s, Apparent Dec: -07°50'23"

Tak Mewlon 210 F11.5
Tak x0.8 Reducer
QHY268M Pro camera 53x60 sec exposures

To pinpoint the location, along with the DSS Download from within ST4, I also used a reference image from a paper titled “ISO observations of the dusty quasar BR 1202-0725” at:

ISO observations of the dusty quasar BR 1202-0725 | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | Oxford Academic (

From the Bortle 6/7 skies of suburban Brisbane, I was able to record stars beyond mag 20.



Very cool Dennis!
Clear skies,
Head Dude at Skyhound
Excellent work Dennis!

Phil S.
BR 1202-0725, also known as Q1202-0725, is a quasar with a redshift (z) of 4.69, which means it is about 12 billion light years from Earth. As you pointed out, its location in the sky is in the constellation Virgo, at direct ascension 12h05m23.1s and declination -07°42'32" (2000). In addition, images of BR 1202-0725 taken with the Takahashi Mewlon 210 F11.5 telescope and QHY268M Pro camera may help in additional study and analysis of this quasar.
Dennis, that's just silly crazy. Awesome work and thanks for sharing. I knew Taks were good but yowza! You do the scope true justice.

I used to hang out with Art Ciampi. He was the head Takahashi dude at Land, Sea, & Sky in Houston. He was constantly trying to get me to step into the realm of quality astronomy rather than just being a JAFO. Never made it as I'm still only looking at the universe in wonder.
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