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Importing Target List from Old Camera.
Hello Greg

I have 60 or so targets in a list made with my old QSI camera.
I now have a ZWO camera.
This is a new installation, as my old PC died.
So, I created a new Target List with all my old QSI targets.

I now want to use Skytools in a normal generic fashion with the ZWO, but excluding previously imaged Targets with the QSI Camera.
Otherwise there would be duplicated targets.

Can you please advise how to do this?
Perhaps I am making a simple problem complicated?

Thank you
Adrien Richardson
Hi Adrian,

I apologize if I've misunderstood something, but what I think that you're saying is this:

1) You have a list of observed objects (is this the list that's in your above post?)

2) When you create a new ST4i Target List, you want to exclude these objects from the list.

3) Make a List without any of these objects.

If that's what you want, this might work:

Check out the Observed Status options by R-Clicking on the Status icon at the top of the column as shown here:     

1) Create a list of your Observed Objects in ST4i (either enter them manually or find a list that has most of them & adjust it)
2) Using the Observed Status options, set all of these objects to 'Observed'
3) Make a log entry for these objects. Just a short entry sould be sufficient.
4) For any new Target List, 'Set Logged Objects to Observed' & Uncheck the 'Show Observed' in the Observed Status section.
5) This should Hide any objects in the list that you've already observed.

Greg can probably offer a more elegant solution.

Hope this helps,

Phil S.

EDIT: In reviewing your previous posts, it appears that the list you attached is indeed the objects you've already imaged. Also you said that you've created an ST4i Target List including these objects. If that's correct, then you've completed Step #1 of my suggested solution - probably the hardest part. Next mark all of these objects as 'Observed' & proceed to Step #3, etc.

So here is a full answer. I have no idea if its what you want, but this answer is consistent with how SkyTools Imaging is recommended to be used, so by providing a full answer I hope to avoid more confusion.

Recall that the Target Selection Tool isn't an end point. Rather, its a starting point. You have a Target List of objects, some of which you have already imaged.

When considering which of these targets to image, you could exclude the ones you have already completed in several ways:

1. Delete the targets you have already imaged. To do this, select the object and press the Delete key.

2. Use the Observation Status column and set the ones you have already imaged to the status of "Observed." Then right-click at the column heading and have it not display the ones marked as observed.

3. Mark the ones you have already observed via the red check mark column, and keep track of them manually.

Once you have found a way to exclude your targets, use the Target Selection Tool to determine which of the remaining targets are ones you wish to image in the future (the purpose of the Target Selection tool). When you decide you want to image a target, right-click on it and create an Imaging Project for it.

Once you have completed the previous step, open the Scheduler and set a night and the same imaging system. Let it tell you which of these projects you should image, and to make a schedule for you to follow.

Alternately, you could use the Real Time tool to accomplish the same, assuming you have your mount connected to SkyTools.

Hopefully this will suffice to answer your question. If not, please ask follow up questions as necessary.
Clear skies,
Head Dude at Skyhound

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