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Buzzed by 2022 TQ2 & 2022 TM2
Earth was just buzzed by the 2 newly discovered NEOs 2022 TQ2 on 2022 Oct 13 and 2022 TM2 on 2022-Oct-15 09:18 ± < 00:01 UT. 2022 TQ2 was discovered on Oct 14 after it's close approach while 2022 TM2 was discovered on Oct 13, but I didn't add it to ST4v's NEAs at Today's Epoch data file until this morning. It wasn't in yesterday's download.

Here's the Object Information data for 2022 TQ2: [attachment=2543]

Here's the Object Information data for 2022 TM2: [attachment=2544]
This was a 'Rarity'=2 close approach.

2022 TM2 was predicted to become quite bright. Too bad there wasn't sufficient warning to observe it.

Phil S.
I had it all figured out but on the night of the 14th so made an attempt near midnight of the 15th when it was about 14th mag and high. Not seen. I tried again 4 hours later when it was mag 12.2, moving ~15 arc minutes per min but only 20° up in west with the moon 70° up in the east. No joy. I did barely have time to plot it and hunt down the field. It appeared in my new NEA download on the 14th.
I generally download the MPC's NEAs at Today's Epoch file around 11 AM EDT. Sometimes a new discovery will get added later in the day that I'll miss. 2022 TM2 fell through the cracks that way. If I download the MPC's datafile again, I don't think that ST4v will pick up the newly added MPs. It will see that the epoch hasn't changed & report the processing as 'Completed'. Since I haven't tried to repeat the download in a while, the behavior may have changed. When did you download the NEA file on October 14?

It's too bad that you couldn't observe 2022 TM2. That was a really good one. Bright & FAST!

Phil S.
Phil, it was literally just b4 I made the midnight attempt, so late on the 14th. I did not even have time to try and report it here but then saw your post the next day. I had not done a refresh of the NEAs in many days so therefore the addition, I guess. Later, when I looked at it at the MPC search page, it only had 1 day of arc with ~50 obs. It now has 73 obs over 3 days with an uncertainty of 5 and 8 obs at 12th mag by Aorangi Iti Observatory, Lake Tekapo. I don't recall the uncertainty on the late evening of the 14th. I actually used the elements at the MPC search page first and then got them into ST using the MPC NEA Today just prior to my first attempt. B4 my attempt at 4am, I verified positions using Horizons. They agreed with those in ST to within 1sec RA and 11" DEC.

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