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1989 JA -Bright Rock Finally Late May
I managed to grab the trail of Asteroid 7335 1989 JA last night, 27th May 2022 AEST. It took me a while to get everything up and running due to a long lay off with unusual weather in SE Qld, but I had a great night. Smile

After re-learning how everything fits together, I slewed to Asteroid 7335 1989 JA and was pleasantly surprised at how bright it was at around magnitude 12. Big Grin

I grabbed 59 x 30 sec exposures with the Tak Mewlon 210 F11.5, Tak x0.8 Reducer and QHY268M camera, at a fl=2130mm (calculated).

Asteroid data
Diameter = 1.8 km
Distance from Brisbane = 10.5 LD (Lunar Distances)
Speed = 13.1 Km/sec
Earth Distance (au): 0.03
Sun Distance (au): 1.03
RA Rate (arcsecs/sec): -0.793584
Dec Rate (arcsecs/sec): -0.366786
Constellation: Centaurus

Imaging Data
2022-05-27T12:54:00Z to 2022-05-27T13:38:00Z
Brisbane, QLD

Data for Full Size/Resolution image stack
Centre (RA, Dec): (171.626, -44.795)
Centre (RA, hms): 11h 26m 30.347s
Centre (Dec, dms): -44° 47' 41.080"
Size: 37.9 x 25.3 arcmin
Radius: 0.380 deg
Pixel scale: 0.364 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 90.6 degrees E of N

I have included a full frame shot re-sampled down to 1600 pixels wide, and a full resolution 1600 pixel wide crop.





Messages In This Thread
RE: 1989 JA -Bright Rock Finally Late May - by Dennis - 2022-05-28, 10:21 AM

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