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GSC 08225-985 (J111827.8-520821) RA 11:18:11.37 DEC -52:07:12.6 (J2000). Is it a DSO?
Hi Phil


Yes - I ran the "Get DSS Image at Cursor" in the Interactive Atlas of ST4 Imaging and it did show a non-stellar fuzzy region at that position. It does looks very similar to a typical faint fuzzy PGC Galaxy representation that I sometimes find in the background of my images and this piqued my interest.



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RE: GSC 08225-985 (J111827.8-520821) RA 11:18:11.37 DEC -52:07:12.6 (J2000). Is it a DSO? - by Dennis - 2021-06-11, 10:30 PM

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