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Comet 156P Brightens Rapidly; Database Fix Required
Hello comet observers,

Comet 156P is brightening rapidly and unexpectedly, and is currently magnitude 11.8 (or brighter). It may be fun to keep an eye on it in the coming days. I have added it to the current comets list.

Unfortunately, some errant data has appeared in the SkyTools automated comet data delivery system that is causing problems with the magnitude and positions reported. The Minor Planet Center has been struggling to keep their comet data up to date for some time, which has required me to supplement their data from other sources. I am not yet certain what the source of the poor data was. This is something I had not anticipated, so there is no simple means for the automated system to update the orbital elements. As a result, you will need to perform some manual maintenance on your comet database to ensure that the position, magnitude and coma diameters in SkyTools are accurate. Instructions:

1. Delete 156P from every observing list it appears in. Do see which lists it is in use the Observing List tab of the Object Info (for 156P).

2. Open your Comet Database via the Data menu.

3. Enter 156 in the Num on the top right and press Enter to find the data for 156P. Or scroll down to find it. 

4. If the main (top) selection for 156P is not bolded, right-click on it a delete all of the elements. If it is bolded, open the tree to see the individual element sets. Right-click on each of the ones that are dates 2020 October or later and delete them.

5. Close the Comet Database dialog, accepting your changes.

6. Select Subscriptions from the Setup menu, ensure the box next to current comets is checked, and click update now.

7. Check your current comets list in the Planner, with the date set for October 11. The magnitude should be approximately 11.8 and the coma diameter should be 3'.
Clear skies,
Head Dude at Skyhound
HI Greg,

I followed the instructions to fix the comet 156P issue in ST4v (4.0j). When I updated the Current Comets data, comet 156P is not listed in the OL. I opened ST4i (4.0j) & updated the Current Comets data. In that program for 11 Oct 2020, comet 156P shows the proper mag & coma diameter that you listed. Closing & restarting ST4v didn't show comet 156P in the Current Comets OL, it's still missing. Should I delete the Current Comets OL in ST4v & Update the list again?

Phil S.

Problem solved: In ST4v (4.0j) that was missing comet 156P, I deleted the Current Comets OL & used Manage Subscriptions to Update the Current Comets OL again. The updated OL shows the correct mag & coma diameter for 11 Oct 2020 the same as ST4i.

Phil S.
Hi Phil,

Why are you running ST4i?
Clear skies,
Head Dude at Skyhound
ST4i = ST4 Imaging Version (4.0j). I used a shortened version of the name. Sorry for the confusion.
Face palm. I actually did this twice today! Not my best day.

I can't explain why it didn't update when you forced it via pressing the button on the Subscriptions dialog. I'll have to look at the code again, because I seem to recall similar reports. It is designed to not check for an update every time you start it up, but you should always be able to force it by clicking the button.
Clear skies,
Head Dude at Skyhound
No problem Greg. Too many acronyms to deal with - ST4i, ST4v, Version (4.0j), etc. I try to be specific, with the program & version, but sometimes I leave some of the designations out - too much typing Wink .

Phil S.
You were fine Phil. Its more my brain fart than anything else.
Clear skies,
Head Dude at Skyhound

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