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Camera live view
Hello all,

I am new to Sky Tools Imaging, and have been using APT for capture. Does Sky Tools have a “live camera view” screen for focusing and framing an object? Thanks!


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SkyTools Imaging doesn't control cameras. It is primarily for planning your imaging, with the idea that you will use the camera control software that you already have.
Clear skies,
Head Dude at Skyhound
(2020-03-13, 04:12 PM)theskyhound Wrote: SkyTools Imaging doesn't control cameras. It is primarily for planning your imaging, with the idea that you will use the camera control software that you already have.
Thanks for the quick response! I guess I got confused during setup. I thought the required camera info was for capture. I’ll read the tutorial again th make sure I’m on the right track!  So I could use Sky Tools Imaging while also using APT? That’s  great! I’ll just keep both open at the same time☺️


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