2021-08-15, 06:02 PM
I took 6 30 sec images on iTelescope T16 (150mm refractor) last night. Initial examination of the images didn't show anything that looks like an 11th mag MP. I'm trying to get the images to plot in ST4v, but I didn't request that the images be plate solved. Now I'm playing with Astrometrica to see if that will give the location of the image centers. I seem to be going backwards at present.
According to the Exposure Calculator in ST4i a mag 10.7 object should be easily detectable with 30 sec exposure on this scope: [attachment=1983]
The .FITS image is 65 MB (too big to post here).
At least I'm learning new stuff,
Phil S.
I took 6 30 sec images on iTelescope T16 (150mm refractor) last night. Initial examination of the images didn't show anything that looks like an 11th mag MP. I'm trying to get the images to plot in ST4v, but I didn't request that the images be plate solved. Now I'm playing with Astrometrica to see if that will give the location of the image centers. I seem to be going backwards at present.
According to the Exposure Calculator in ST4i a mag 10.7 object should be easily detectable with 30 sec exposure on this scope: [attachment=1983]
The .FITS image is 65 MB (too big to post here).
At least I'm learning new stuff,
Phil S.