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GSC 08225-985 (J111827.8-520821) RA 11:18:11.37 DEC -52:07:12.6 (J2000). Is it a DSO?
Hi Dennis,

Perhaps you can have someone with a large aperture scope point it at your target & see what it looks like. I'm sure if you explain what you're trying to see you'll have more help than you know what to do with. We astro nerds love a challenge  Wink.

I don't know what eyepiece filters run these days, mine are 30 years old. That's one nice thing about astronomy, the gear lasts for years. A filter intended to work on the Helix nebula should enhance the visibility of a planetary & do nothing for a galaxy.

When's your next meet-up?

Phil S.

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RE: GSC 08225-985 (J111827.8-520821) RA 11:18:11.37 DEC -52:07:12.6 (J2000). Is it a DSO? - by PMSchu - 2021-06-17, 03:23 PM

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